Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 7 - Jesus' Birth Like You've Never It Seen Before

Summary of Week 7:

Week 7 Audio
Week 7 Notes


  1. Great teaching!
    For a couple of years now, I have been intrigued by the idea of Satan going to great lengths to destroy the "Seed of the woman".

    This lesson's concept of the "seed of the serpent" is one I have never considered.

    I really want to look into that idea more deeply, can you recommend any reading material on that subject?

  2. Hey Dathan. Yes...I too was intrigued by the seed of the woman/seed of the serpent theology as it was introduced to me.

    Unfortunately, there is not a lot of material on the subject. For the most part, any good commentary on the book of Genesis will provide considerable discussion on Gen 3:15...which of course is the foundation for the seed of the serpent. I would recommend Gordon Wenham, Word Biblical Commentary (it's pretty heavy though).

    Although I haven't read anything from this author, he has been quoted in several books that I have read as providing considerable discussion on the seed of the serpent: Gerhard von Rad, book- Old Testament Theology (1962).

    I don't know if you were a part of my Sunday School class (The Garden and the Seed)...but if you go to the Flourish blog, week 5, I dedicate a whole Sunday School lesson to this subject. THere is a link to the Flourish blog at the top right of this page ("other FPC blogs").

    George Whitefield preached a sermon on this subject. You can find it online under the title "The Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent."

    Other than that...most of my material comes from Seminary notes, which I would be glad to make a copy for you.

    Hope this least some. Let me know if you find anything...I would love to get more resources on the subject myself.
